Monday, January 17, 2011

"I Have A Dream!!!"

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Today is a wonderful day to celebrate the life of great person, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who dared to do many wonderful, awesome, and glorious things...a man who dared to dream!
I, too have a dream. I have a dream that everyone will be healthier and happier! I have a dream that everyone who is carrying extra unhealthy weight, will lose those extra pounds and will improve their health status! I have a dream that people will lose the extra pounds and have the opportunity to be the people that they want to be, wear the clothes they want to wear, and look the way they want to look!
I have a dream that people who were diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and sleep apnea will no longer be plagued by these awful diseases that are directly related to unhealthy weight gain! I have a dream that everyone will live longer, happier and prosperous lives!
Please help my dream to become a reality! Follow me to Thinutopia!
May God bless you on the road to Thinutopia!
Be Truly Blessed!
All Comments Are Welcomed!

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