Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Time Is of the Essence!!!"

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Today is the perfect day to realize that "Time Is of the Essence!" and that tomorrow is not promised! I admonish you to acknowledge that this not the voice of gloom and doom. Absolutely not! I am the eternal optimist! I am the person who knows that every cloud has a silver lining." I am the person who never gives up! I am the person who will consistently say, "Yes, we can!" when others are saying "No, we can't!"
However, I am a realist and I realize that we can not continue to put off improving our health status! Time is of the essence and we really need to get to work today! It has to happen today because if you keep procrastinating, days go by, weeks go by, months go by, and years go by!
Time is so valuable and once it is gone we can't get it back! Make up your mind today to improve your health. Let's not forget the additional benefits of looking and feeling great and wearing those awesome outfits. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones. As you know when you are happier your loved ones are also happier.
This is a divine appointment! Create a weight loss program today and use it each and every day. You Will Not Regret It!!!
See My Awesome Weight Loss E-Book, "Think Thin; Thinking Your Way to Thinutopia!" @
All Comments Are Welcomed!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Just Get There!!!"

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I do not care how you get to Thinutopia! Just get there! If you have to change your total "m.o." just get there! You are destined to feel better about yourself, be happier and healthier! You are destined to wear those awesome new clothes that you always wanted to wear and you are destined to be the thinner person that you have been waiting to be. "Get There!"
You deserve to look good and to feel good about yourself! If have to run to Thinutopia then run! You can truly get to where you are going from here!
Start today, work out a plan! Travel the road with caution because blockades will be presented! Walk through the blockades! Just Get There!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Smell The Roses!!!"

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I admonish you to take the time to smell the roses! Life is much to short to deny yourself the joy of smelling big, beautiful, glorious, fragrant, you pick the color!, roses!!! It truly does not matter if you did not reach your weight loss goal today!!! Smell the roses! It does not matter that you gained a pound today! Smell the roses!!! It does not matter that you are feeling sad and depressed because you ate that decadent piece of pound cake at Starbucks! Smell the roses!!! Life is too precious to spend time being sad and blue when you could be basking in the glory and surrounded by roses!!!
Yes, I still want you to journey with me to Thinutopia!!! I want you to follow your weight loss program. But do not beat up on yourself when you fall off the wagon! Repeat after me, "Everyone falls off the wagon!!! I want you to enjoy yourself on the way to Thinutopia! I want you to smell the roses and enjoy your life. I want you to feel pure joy before, during and after you reach Thinutopia! Life is too short and we need the joy of roses to make our lives better!!!
Smell the Roses. Make your journey to Thinutopia fun! Life is too short! Time is of the essence...Savor and enjoy the Roses of Life!!!
All Comments Are Welcomed!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

"I Have A Dream!!!"

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Today is a wonderful day to celebrate the life of great person, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who dared to do many wonderful, awesome, and glorious things...a man who dared to dream!
I, too have a dream. I have a dream that everyone will be healthier and happier! I have a dream that everyone who is carrying extra unhealthy weight, will lose those extra pounds and will improve their health status! I have a dream that people will lose the extra pounds and have the opportunity to be the people that they want to be, wear the clothes they want to wear, and look the way they want to look!
I have a dream that people who were diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and sleep apnea will no longer be plagued by these awful diseases that are directly related to unhealthy weight gain! I have a dream that everyone will live longer, happier and prosperous lives!
Please help my dream to become a reality! Follow me to Thinutopia!
May God bless you on the road to Thinutopia!
Be Truly Blessed!
All Comments Are Welcomed!

Friday, January 14, 2011

"May The Force Be With You!"

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The only "Force" that I know and understand is the "Force Of God!" May the Force of God be with as you journey to Thinutopia! I pray that you utilize this Great Awesome Force as you endeavor to lose the weight that you need to lose.
Let's face it! Our lives are about God and His glorification. When we are successful in our weight loss we glorify God. When we are happy about our weight loss He is happy about our weight loss! If weight loss is important to us it is so important to God!
Pray...pray without ceasing! Pray that God will be with you during this weight loss trek! Pray that God will continue to bless you and keep and pray that He will help you to reach your weight loss goals! God can give you everything you need to lose the weight!
May The Force Be With You!!!
All Comments Are Welcomed!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Pay It Forward!"

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Always remember to pay it forward! It is truly a blessing to be able to do something really nice for someone else! Share weight loss information with a friend! Recommend this blog...Please! During your journey to Thinutopia, pay it something nice for a friend with weight loss issues! We all have friends who are in the same weight loss boat that we are in and we are all drowning. Guess what?....if we all helped each other, we wouldn't be drowning! Throw your friend a life raft!!! Put a life jacket on yourself and your friend! That friend may be the one who will assist when you are drowning and you think you can't make it on the journey to Thinutopia!
You will love having a friend to share your weight loss adventures with. One hand does wash the other and your friend will share valauable tips with you! This is a win-win situation!!!
So "Pay It Forward,My Friend!" Share the weight loss adventure with a friend! It is a "win-win" situation!!!
Be Very Blessed In Your Weight Loss Endeavors!
All Comments Are Welcomed!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"Follow The Yellow Brick Road to Thinutopia!!!"

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It is time to follow the Yellow Brick Road to Thinutopia! Yes it is time to ease on down the road to a place where everyone feels good about themselves and their weight! Whatever it takes to travel this road....You have to do it! You don't have a choice! You have already made all of the excuses that you could possibly make! Now that you are out of excuses...What are you going to do! Seriously, what are you going to do!
Come on work with me people! Stop making excuses! Stop telling yourslf that you can't follow the Yellow Brick Road to Thinutopia! Who is holding you back? You are holding you back! Get over it and get on with it! Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Thinutopia and I know you will be glad that you did!!!
May God bless you on your journey!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Adjust Your Attitude Today!!!"

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I admonish you to change your weight loss attitude! So you think you can't lose those "pesky pounds?" Guess what you can't lose those unwanted pounds! So you anticipate that diet is a waste of time? Guess what your diet is a waste of time! Do you think Thinutopia, a place where a person can feel good about themselves and their weight, does not exist? I beg to differ! Of course Thinutopia exists! It is my duty to help you get there!!!
Let's start with the attitude adjustment! Pray to God and then tell yourself, "I will lose the weight I need to lose and I will look the way that I want to look! Speak positive affirmations to yourself all day! Say, "I am thinner!," "I a fabulous!" and "I look marvelous!" Talk to yourself and convince yourself that you are awesome and you are going to be even better!
Adjust that attitude, follow your weight loss program and convince yourself that you will succeed!!! Weight loss success and Thinutopia are waiting for you!!!
Blessings to You!
All Comments Are Welcomed!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"It's All About You!"

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Your weight loss is "All About You!" Finally, it is great to hear something that is all bout You! Yes my friend, you and God are the Masters Of Your Universe!!! Talk to God first about your weight loss and ask him to give you the strength to "Just Say No" to the excess amount of food that you are consuming! Every time you get the urge to indulge...pray and then ask God to take the urge away! I have done this many times and if you truly believe that God can and will help you...this works!!!
It is all about that doctor you refuse to see to get his/her blessing to start your weight loss program. You have to start somewhere! It is all about that weight loss program that you refuse to start! Yeah, I am talking to you! It is about the water you refuse to drink, the exercise you refuse to do, the Krispy Kreme doughnuts you to refuse to stop eating or decrease the numbers, the mirror you refuse to look into! Sounds familiar? I know all of these things about you because I know all these things about myself. We all need a navigation device to get to Thinutopia!
We have to start somewhere and our somewhere is realizing that weight loss is all about us and what we are willing to do to achieve our weight loss goals!
Now is the the time to face the music, realize that your weight loss is all about you and get in there and lose those "pesky pounds!"
Remember, "It's All about You! Now "Do Something About It!"
Another Divine Appointment Brought to You by Thinutopia! :)
All Comments Are Welcomed!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

"Seriously, Why Are You Eating?"

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I really want to know, why are you eating? Are you eating because you are hungry? Then eat because you are hungry! Are you eating because you are sad, blue, depressed, and or stressed? Then realize that this is not the fix for your problems!
Let this be your "Aha" moment! Here is the $50,000 question? Are you eating for the wrong reasons? I dare you! I triple double dare you to think about why you are eating your next morsel of food before you put that morsel in your mouth! You will be amazed! If you are not hungry...Step away from the food!!! :)
I admonish you to eat only when you are hungry and I guarantee you will see less of you!
All Comments Are Welcomed!
See The Thinutopian Website @
See You in Thinutopia!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Be A Lion!"

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Two of my all time favorite movies in the whole world are "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Wiz." My favorite character is of course, the Scarecrow, but when I think of weight loss I definitely think about the "Cowardly Lion!" Let face it in order to lose the weight that we need to lose, we need courage!
We need courage to pray! Talk to God about what you need to lose those "pesky pounds!" Make this a sincere prayer and ask God for what you need to succeed! Then muster up the courage to talk to your doctor! Have a good healthy talk with your doctor! He's probably been waiting and anticipating this conversation! And if you follow through and lose the will make your life and his job easier!!!
The next important step is to sit down and work on your diet and exercise plan with your doctor's blessings! Yes, we have to sit down and formulate a doable weight loss program! This is not rocket science! It just a matter of putting your derriere in a chair :) and working on your weight loss plan! Then once this plan is formulated, you need to put this courageous plan into action!
Then you have to work on your weight loss program 24/7! Here's one of my favorite favorite Exercise Machine is the Total Gym! I have used it for years and it is awesome! You have to remember that" nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"-Anthony Robbins. You can do this! Muster up that courage and do what you need to do to lose the weight, that you need to lose! Change your modus operandi in the New Year! You cannot continue to do the same things, the same way and expect different results... by the way Einstein called that "Insanity." His exact quote is "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Stop That Insanity Please! Come on! Work With Me People! Be A Lion!!!
All Comments Welcomed!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"PRAY!" "Because God Answers Prayers!"

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Happy New Year! I know that this is the time for New Year's Resolutions and I know that weight loss is at the top of the New Year's Resolution lists! Yes, we have all experienced and continue to experience the battle of the bulge! But here is a well kept secret! God answers weight loss prayers! I believe that if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, God will give you the victory! You cannot imagine the victory that God will give you! God even said it in Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee and show thee, great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." You know when God shows up, He shows out! He will give you victory...take your weight loss issues to God in prayer!
When you pray, ask God for wisdom, perseverance, strength, knowledge, discipline and resilience! Trust me you are going to need them all! The battle to lose weight is not over once you receive these wonderful gifts! You Now Have To Use Your Gifts!!! Do not sit there and let them go to waste! You want get the value of the gifts if you do not use the gifts!!!
So start the New Year off with A Weight Resolution that you will resolve! Ask God for the gifts, utilize the gifts and watch the weight loss become a reality! God answers prayers!!!
Happy New Year's Resolutions!
Happy New Year!
Be Blessed!
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