Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Create Your Awesome Day!"

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   I admonish you to create your awesome day.  First, pray that God will send the Holy Spirit to guide you in all of your endeavors!  Then you should put on your best positive attitude!  You should also work diligently to keep that positive attitude throughout the day no matter what happens.  You may not be able to control what happens to you but you can control how you react to what happens to you!
   Trust and believe that you will have an awesome positive day, work towards that goal and you will have an awesome positive day!  Trust me, because I am having an extraordinary day and I know I will accomplish my goals, especially my weight loss goals!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Have An Awesome Day!"

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      Have an awesome day!!! Today is a great day to start, continue, tweak, refine and perfect your weight loss program! You can make this an awesome day by making a decision to do something about the excess weight!  If you want a wonderful, awesome delightful day....Then make it happen!!! You determine that type of day that you will have! Remember your attitude will determine your altitude!!!
   Have you started your weight loss program?  Do you want to live in Thinutopia?  Do you need some assistance with your weight loss program?  Reply and I will give you my best answers!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"The Ball Is In Your Court!"

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     You have to take the initiative to lose weight!  Trust me, "the ball is in your court!"   You have to do whatever it takes to lose those"pesky pounds!"  "The ball is in your court!"  You have to want to lose weight so badly that it hurts!  "The ball is in your court!"  You have to want to lose weight with all of your being!"  The ball is in your court!  Make up your mind and stop sitting on the fence!  You are the star of this show so act like you are!  To lose the weight you need to get up and do something!  The ball is in your court!
      Take the initiative, lose the weight, and watch a brand new life unfold!
       Is there a reason why you won't take the initiative?  Please write and let me know your apprehensions. If you are taking the initiative let me know what you are doing because other readers may benefit from your knowledge!  "The ball is in your court!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Designate A Driver!!!"

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      I admonish you to "designate a driver!" In other words it is important to designate a person who will drive you crazy if you do follow your weight loss program!  This person must be someone that you love and can tolerate to put you back on the right track to Thinutopia, just in case you get sidetracked! Unfortunately, we all get sidetracked :) !
     Please write me and let me know if you have a designated driver or you will be selecting one soon!  I have total faith that you will benefit from this designated driver's assistance!
    May you be blessed and may your "designated driver" keep you on the right road to Thinutopia!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Will Power!!!"

     Do you have any will power when it comes to resisting decadent foods?  If you do not then it is time to start developing will power!  I pray often to God to give me the will power that I need to win the weight loss battle.  I often have to determine what is more important than the taste of those wonderful decadent luscious foods!  My answer is it is more important to be healthier/happier and to feel and to look better.  Besides, the taste of those foods will only last a few minutes.  The weight loss benefits can lasts a lifetime.
     So I am asking the question, "Do you have any will power?"  Please think about this and write and tell me how  you motivate yourself to resist  those decadent foods? Where do you get your will power?  Remember the answer you give may help others to motivate themselves to step away from the decadent foods! We can and will learn from each other!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Make A Pledge to Lose That Excess Weight!"

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   Today I admonish you to make a serious pledge to lose that excess weight!  Today is your day and the time is right for you to take charge of your life!  You need to take a look at your life and create the life that you want!  YOU WANT TO HAVE A HEALTHIER/HAPPIER LIFE!  THEN MAKE IT SO!   YOU WANT TO WEAR THOSE AWESOME CUTE CLOTHES?  THEN MAKE IT HAPPEN!  The Control is in your hand.  Take total  control of your life!  I dare you to do so!
     I encourage you to write me and tell me your pledge and how you plan to take control of your present situation!  You can do this and I will do my best to help you, because when you win we all win.  In Thinutopia we are a nurturing, loving, Christian community, a family!  We are here for you!  Send your pledge today!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"If Change Is Really Good Then What Are You Changing or Not Changing?"

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    Talk to me, if you are making those positive changes that I have been discussing in my blog for months, then tell me what are you changing?  Trust me I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly!  If you are sittting on the fence, I want to hear that too.  It is now time for all of us to make those positive changes that we know we need to make and for whatever reason, we are not doing what we need to do!  
    We all need to stop making excuses and we need to focus!  We need to keep our eyes on the prize! The prize is being healthier/happier and looking our very best after losing the excess weight.
  So please respond to this blog!  Tell me why you are sticking to your weight loss program or why you are not sticking to your program!  Tell it all and remember, what is said in this blog, stays in this blog :)  !  The information that you share will assist other readers and to help people make positive changes in their lives!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

All Comments Are Welcomed! Talk To Me Followers!

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"It Is Time to Love You!"

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     It is time to love you!  We spend so much time loving others and we take so little time for ourselves. It is time to love you because you deserve it!   It is time to to lose the excess weight.  It is time to create a diet plan that you will stick to. Do not set yourself up to fail!  It is Spring for goodness sake and you can't cover it up any longer!  Isn't it about time for you to get into those cute spring/summer clothes?
   Let's put fashion aside for a moment (just for a moment).  Let's talk about health.  Let's talk about a few of the ugly diseases that walk with obesity namely, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and cancer!  Do we really want to have these words in our vocabulary on a daily basis?  Do we want them to walk into your lives and wreak havoc? The answer is"no!"  We do not have a guarantee that if we lose the excess weight that we will not face these diseases but if we keep our bodies healthier we can fight diseases better.  When we are healthier and happier our bodies are more at ease.  Conversely, when we are not healthier and happier our bodies are not at ease!
    So please take this "divine appointment" as it is meant, it is an invitation for you to love yourself, the way you deserve to be loved and pull out all the stops, lose the weight!  Have the healthier/happier that you so rightly deserve! This is your time!