Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Have A Blessed and Wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

I  pray that you will have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving day.  May you and your loved ones enjoy this special day and thank God for family, friends, and lots of love!  Enjoy your favorite foods, but remember to eat in moderation! Life is too short!  May you enjoy many more Thanksgiving days!  See you in Thinutopia!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

'Life Is A Precious Gift from God!"

      Life is a gift from God!  Therefore it is important to savor and  enjoy every day of your life!  If your excess weight is causing you unhappiness, it is time to make changes to improve your life!  You must take control of your weight or your weight will take control you! Take control of your weight today and do what you have to do!  Weigh in on the subject.  When was last time that you weighed yourself?  You can not get to where you are going without knowing where you are or where you have been. Weigh yourself today!  Next work out a weight loss program with your doctor's blessings.  Make sure you can  do what you think you can do.  Do not set yourself up for failure!
     Think seriously about your weight loss program and keep your guard up!  It is so easy to fall off the wagon! But you can do whatever is necessary to lose and maintain a healthy weight!  Remember your life is a gift from God and every moment is precious!  Do you want to be happier and healthier while experiencing your precious gift or do you want to be unhappy or unhealthy?  You make the choice!

Monday, November 16, 2009

All Comments Are Welcomed! Talk to Me! All Followers Walk this Way!

"Its Not What You Are Eating!" "Its What's Eating You II!"

     Your excess unhealthy weight may not be totally caused by what you are consuming!  Yes, we are all very guilty of consuming our most favorite decadent foods and I may add we enjoy those foods!  However, I know for a fact that my unhappy feelings play a major role in my excess weight gain.  I know that when something is eating me (making me feel sad) I tend to be less observant of what I am eating  and how much I am eating.  I eat more "comfort" foods to make me feel better.  They only make me feel better for a temporary period of time and then I am in search of more "comfort " foods,  and I consume them, gain more weight, and the cycle continues!
     We must stop this never ending cycle.  It is time to make positive changes and get to the root of what's causing us to overeat?  Ask and answer the question, "What In This World Is Eating Me?"  Find the answer to this proverbial question and you may find the answer to your weight loss dilemma!
"All comments are welcomed!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"It Is What It Is!"

This may come as a real shock to you, but your weight loss situation "is what it is!"  It is time to reevaluate and reexamine your life.  It is time to change your outlook and the way you look.  You do not have to continue to be overweight!  You must not procrastinate. Time is truly of the essence! It is time to have a happier/healthier life!  You know it is time to make positive changes in your life.  It is time to realize that even though your weight  "is what it is,"  your weight, your life, your health,  and your future can be drastically changed  for the better!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Paint A New Weight Loss Picture"

You are the artist and your life is your canvas!  It is time to paint a new picture of your life and your healthy weight loss.  It is time to recreate and change the life that you have!  Bring more color and fun into your life.  Change your health status!  Make your life better.  Lose weight and delight in all of the positive changes that are occurring around you!
You are the artist and you hold the canvas!  You are in control!  Only you can lose those excess pounds and only you can make the difference!  Paint a new picture and enjoy the new life that God and you created!
May you be blessed in all of your weight loss endeavors!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Time Is of the Essence!"

     Today is a great day to take an inventory of your life and realize that the future is not promised.  We can all pretend to be satisfied with our current weight status, but we know better!  We know what we need to do and we know that it is time to stop our procrastination.  We hold our lives, our health, our happiness in our hands and we are in control of our destinies!   What are we waiting for?  Time is of the essence!
     Is your tomorrow guaranteed?  No it is not!  Thank the good Lord that He loves us (more than we love ourselves) and He has a vast amount of grace and mercy to give.  Make your move towards a happier and healthier life!  Do what it takes to have a better life!  Time is of the essence!

Monday, November 2, 2009


    It is so very important to visualize and see yourself thinner!  You must think about the body you want to have and you must close your eyes and see yourself thinner, happier, and healthier!  I have weighed more and I have weighed less and I enjoy weighing less a lot more.  I no longer feel the tightness and uncomfortable feeling that I experienced when I wore my clothes. I FEEL HEALTHIER AND I LOOK GREAT! I feel freedom and I am thankful that God has inspired me to lose weight and that he allowed me to visualize!  Visualize, see yourself thinner and make that visualization a reality!
Be Truly Blessed and Visualize!